Category Archives: "Listening activity"

Quick Fire Vocabulary

This activity is a simple way to practice vocabulary and speaking in the ESL classroom. It’s a very easy and quick game that doesn’t require much preparation before class. This game can be adapted to most levels and age groups.      Activity Time:  10 – 15 mins + Materials required: A bag/box, blank pieces of paper.  […]

5 Whiteboard Games

This post looks at games that can be done with just a whiteboard and marker and can be a great way to revise and practice English. Expanding Text Activity Time:  10 minutes + Materials required: Whiteboard and marker Number of students: 2 + Skills practiced: Writing. Level: All levels Method: 1. Write a verb on the board e.g “Go” 2. Ask students […]

Brain Breaks

Brain breaks are a great way to re-energize tired students. They are very easy and simple, and there are hundreds of variations found on the web for free. They are great for breaking up class stages and keeping the class interested and focused.They are particularly popular with young learners and a great opportunity to practice Total Physical Response. Here […]