Grass Skirts

Grass Skirts

Grass skirts is a great activity to get the class up and out of their seats while still learning and revising their vocabulary. This activity is easy to set up and a great way to make revision fun. This game can be used with all levels. I have used this  game with FCE exam classes to revise phrasal verbs and young learners to practice vocabulary.
Activity Time:  5 – 10 mins + Materials required: One sheet with definitions of revision words printed on sheet. Skills practiced:Vocabulary revision Level: All levels (Young learners, teens and adults)
Method 1. Select a number of words you wish to revise. Get definitions for the words or write sentences with the target word missing and paste them into a word document.
2. Print out one sheet per two students. Cut the definitions into strips but don’t cut all the way.  (See picture 2)
3. Put the students into pairs/groups. 4. Explain to the students that only one student from each team can run up and take a definition.
5. They then have to run back to their group and read the definition and figure out what the word is. When they think they know, they write it on the back of the definition and then show it to the teacher. If it is correct, they can go and get the next definition. If it is incorrect, they have to try again. (For weaker classes, write a word bank of possible answers.)
The first team to finish all the definitions are the winners. If you have any ideas or variations, please post a comment and share your thoughts.


  1. Looks like fun! Thanks!

    • Nancy Popopo

      we can use this game for answering the questions after reading.
      for rearranging the words into correct sentences
      for filling in the blanks.
      for forming the questions , forming the sentences
      for making the sentences
      We use one color paper for one group for not refusing

      • Hi Nancy, Yes, this game can be used in a number of different ways. It’s a great way to get students engaged in class. Thanks for sharing your ideas.

  2. Great activity for vocabulary revision. Thanks!

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